Eastington Community News          No. 148           Dec/Jan 2015
Eastington - Winner of Gloucestershire Vibrant Village of the Year 2010
Alkerton Rangers.
E.C.O. (Community Orchards).
Jolly Joggers.
Parkinsons Group.
Slimming World.
Eastington Community Orchard  (ECO) Group
PARISH APPLE DAY 2014 - Saturday October 18th
We had a really good turn out again this year, despite very strong winds (but no rain).

Families with children of all ages joined in to share the work, which doesn’t seem like real work when you are enjoying yourselves!

Everybody took home their share of juice, we produced over 200 bottles of pasteurised juice for sale and had quite a few gallons available for cider and perry making as well.

A BIG thank-you to all who donated apples
Sales at Xmas Fairs
Now we are taking the juice made on all of our Apple Days (five ECO days plus Parish Day) to market.

This is our stand at Slimbridge Village Hall, where David Aston headed up a sales effort of £236. That will buy a few fruit trees!

Your best opportunity to buy our bottled juice and Xmas Gift Pack will be at Eastington School Christmas Bazaar on 7th December 12pm – 3pm.
Christmas Gift Pack 2014

This year’s design includes for the first time, jam made from berries and currants grown in Coneygree Community Orchard.

Also included are 250ml bottles of Apple and Pear juice and popular our Mixed Apple juice.

If you can’t manage to catch us at Fairs, you can buy direct from Tom at 823425.